Sunday, November 14, 2010

How do I stop my neighbors from using my wireless router to connect to the internet?

I have a netgear wireless router that my roomates and I use to connect to the internet. The problem we have though is that our neighbors keep connecting to OUR internet through the wireless router, and it is completely slowing my connection speed down. Is there a way that I can set up some kind of password to protect against this?How do I stop my neighbors from using my wireless router to connect to the internet?
You should be able to go into the setup of your router and set it up to only allow the computers you want on it. Usually you can set it up to recognize the MAC address of each computer. SOmetimes you will need to set a password instead. Either way, this is something you SHOULD do anyway so people aren't hijacking your signal and also to help reduce the chance of a hacker next door from doing something to your machine.How do I stop my neighbors from using my wireless router to connect to the internet?
Yes, in your router settings, you can set it up to only allow certain IP addresses to connect to your network. It should either be in the manual, or you can call your provider and ask for assistance.
enable WAP on your wireless router
use a password that they won't figure out.
Yes. If you access you router you can put a lock on it. It involves a 26 bit access code. If you need further help you can contact your internet supplier and they can help you with that.
Yes you can password protect your wireless router. Also technically you can report it as theft if you really wanted to. I don't know how to put the password on their but if you contact your internet company they can probably give you a step by step instructions or there could be instructions that came with the router.
Use encryption, standard 64bit will do. In your network connection settings.
email me at and ill tell u all about it
enable WEP protection in the router and configure that WEP in your computer if wireless.

Ugh, I hate when they do that. Your neighbors probably *can* afford their own wireless but are too cheap, eh?
In addition to using an encryption key with password, you should not broadcast your ssid.

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